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Winter Massage Benefits

Great for Your Mental Health

The winters are known for being dark and gloomy. That is why many people develop depression and anxiety during the winter months. Your body produces more serotonin during the day. This is a chemical that can make you feel positive and motivated. Your body does not release as much of this chemical during the winter months. Fortunately, getting massages on a regular basis is great for your mental health.

You may find that your mood is better after you get a massage. It can release serotonin and endorphins, which are the same chemicals that your body releases when it is exposed to sunshine. You can fight the winter blues if you have a massage on a regular basis.

Boost Your Immune System

Your mood is not the only thing that can suffer during the winter. You are also more prone to developing colds and the flu because your immune system is weaker during the winter. If you are concerned about getting sick, then it is a good idea for you to call us. Massages can help boost your immune system.

The cells inside of your lymphatic system are responsible for tackling any infection that your body develops. However, they may need a little bit of help. Gently massaging the area helps stimulate the lymph nodes, which are a part of the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes help the white blood cells fight off infections.

You will be less likely to need medications during the winter if you get regular massages. In fact, there have been studies to confirm that massage therapy can boost their immune system. One study was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine in 2012.

The subjects were asked to get once or two massages per week. The results of the study showed that the subjects who got regular massages had higher immune system biological markers.

Keep Your Muscles in Good Shape

If you are like most people, then you are probably a lot less active during the winter months. You can keep your joints and muscles limber by getting winter massages.

Keep Your Skin Soft

It is common for people to have dry skin during winter months. The cold weather and lower humidity levels can remove the moisture from your skin. You may find yourself having to constantly apply moisture to your skin. However, even if you use moisture on a regular basis, your skin may still be very dry.

Regular massages can keep your skin soft. The massage therapist will apply essential oils to your skin during the massage. You won’t have to keep paying for the expensive creams if massages are a regular part of your routine.

Improve Blood Circulation

Cold weather has a tendency to slow down your circulation. However, regular massages can keep your blood circulating properly. This will help boost your energy. It will also be easier for your body to fight off infections.

Easier to do Fun Activities

There are many fun activities that you can enjoy during the winter months. You can go sledding, skiing or snowboarding. It will be easier for you to do all of those fun activities if you get a massage. Your joints and muscles will be in great shape. Massages can also make it easier for you to do activities that aren’t so fun but have to be done, such as shoveling snow.

Less Stress

The winter is a stressful time for many people. Not only do you have to deal with the stresses of working and taking care of a family, but you may also spend a lot of time preparing for the holidays. This stress can take a toll on your health if you do not get it under control.

You can alleviate your stress when you get massages. Studies have shown that massages can reduce cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is the stress hormone.

Alleviate Back Pain

The cold weather can exacerbate any existing aches and pains that you already have. This is especially true if you suffer from back pain. Massages can alleviate the aches and pains that you have. The increased blood flow and circulation will get rid of the aches and pains that you have. Massages can also decrease the tension that you have in your muscle.

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